Wow! Indeed … I couldn’t quite believe it myself when I found 103 followers on my profile this morning.
Thank you … I mean really thank you very much!
Yes, it means a lot to me and here is why:
- Only twenty-one days have passed since I’ve published my first ever story on Medium to an audience of zero.
- I wasn’t on any social media platform and only joined Twitter after joining Medium. Truth be said — Twitter still confuses me and probably always will!
- I still write with a fountain pen in the notebooks with ruled pages, creased, smudged and coffee stained.
- I am a recluse, living in and of my memories and words they yield.
- Every writer needs a reader. Even the reclusive ones. While writing is a solitary endeavour, there is only so much writing into a void one can do.
- Out of 103 people only two were known to me prior to joining Medium. They are both my friends. That means 101 people I never knew before decided they liked what I wrote enough to follow me.
- English is my second language I’ve learned as an adult. It means I (still) sometimes make mistakes.
So, for all those reasons: