and so it is — the first morning of a brand new year
one none of us have seen before and
some will not see it last
getting tired, thin and frail
as all those before it
short of breath and wobbly of foot
but just for now
while still new and polished
i wish it to be kind to us all
men and beast alike
scattered on the battlefields of what we have learned to call life
a short brittle word stretched precariously from one unknown to another
but in the meantime
while still misty and dreamy
i wish us all
mornings as promising as children’s laughter
noons as steady as monks’ prayers
evenings as calm as a summer breeze over the olive groves
warm beds to sleep in
as our hearts beat to the eternal metronome
i ask not for happiness
for it is a word emptied of meaning
a shell of a word it once inhabited
all i ask for is the dew glistening on the windowpanes
scent of coffee and bread baking
a small dog with a wet nose and a wiggly tail
and a girl with a smile sparkling like the sunlight over the water of
an ocean or
a river or
a tear.
It is all I ask for.
Thank you for reading.