Daniela Dragas
Sep 15, 2023

I come to believe that it is a matter of perspective... not so long ago when we lived much shorter lives (both in terms of the years we lived and our geographical, intellectual and informational reach) - there could be said to have truly been THE ONE. And is not unreasonable to believe that was a good thing, a simple perhaps, but good nevertheless. Now that modern technology has stretched our lives and the reach of our knowledge and geographical movements (real and/or virtual)... we are ever tempted by the adventure of the 'unknown,' because we are bombarded by ever more choices we told me we simply must TRY. As any commodity. That, in my not-so-humble opinion, is one of the root causes of our global unhappiness otherwise known as the 'rising mental health crisis.' Just my two cents -:)!

Daniela Dragas
Daniela Dragas

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