It has been an awfully long time since the last time I wrote here, hasn’t it?
Well, I was told that nobody is reading my scribbles… sad, but there you have it. Be that as it may, I just can’t resist this literary, God-sent news. It’s simply too good to pass up.
So, I hear people over there in mighty America are rather perturbed because a large fellow with a broad, permanently tanned face and comb-over has won an election over an elegant, though perhaps not eloquent, lady of a certain heritage and background. As I am rather busy running my establishment and a few other things besides, I paid hardly any attention to it. After all, I’ve seen it all before — until today, that is.
Today, I learned that for quite a number of ladies over there in America, the election was a “referendum on women’s rights and reproductive freedom.” Wow! Fancy that! The entire election machinery employed to battle for women’s rights and reproductive freedom. Never mind the cost of groceries, petrol (sorry, gasoline), debt, unemployment, healthcare, etc. etc. Nope, none of that — just good old feminism.
But that alone would not have stirred more than a passing cackle from my, appropriately freed mouth, if it weren’t for a South Korean feminist movement called 4B (Four Nos), which those same ladies in the States have, according to the news, embraced wholeheartedly and declared to… now wait for it — not date men, not get married, not have sex with men, and not have children. In other words, not have anything to do with men. Period. As they say in America.
Oh, God, yes! I couldn’t have dreamed of anything better in my wildest dreams! The last time we, the ladies of unapologetic, unweaponized pleasure, had it so good was in the eras of French and English kings — Louis XIV and Charles II come to mind. Japan must not be forgotten either, but that, too, was a long time ago now.
So, yes, dear ladies — please go ahead and reject men, all men, including those already trained to feel guilty for everything from historical wrongs to being born male in the first place, a condition that inevitably results in something called “toxic masculinity,” no doubt coined to fill them with eternal guilt and shame. Lost and bewildered as they already are, they are bound to find their way to our fine establishments, which will, once again, flourish!
Unlike “well-bred” ladies of the past who were raised and educated to reject “insatiable male appetites” and were instructed to “think of England” when, as married women, they had to endure such conditions to have children, modern puritan ladies are not going to subject themselves to any kind of discomfort — offspring or not. Now, that’s the spirit.
And since there aren’t going to be any offsprings, raising men won’t be a problem either. I wonder what all the assorted professionals whose business thrived on “healing” men from “toxic masculinity” will do? I guess they’ll have to diversify… perhaps into counselling services for trans/non-binary/gender-fluid people?
What a wonderful world ours is, don’t you agree?
With Love From
Nina -:)!